Thursday, March 15, 2012

Picture Book #16 - Grouchy Ladybug

Author: Eric Carle
Illustrator: same
Genre: Fiction
Sub genre: Picture Book
Theme: reading, ladybugs, moods, being mad, being happy
Primary and secondary characters: the grouchy and happy ladybugs
Publication Date: 1996
Publishing Company:  Harper Collins

     Eric Carle did a magnificent job with this book. His illustrations are absolutely beautiful and tell the story of the grouchy ladybug in a perfect way. At the beginning of the book the grouchy ladybug begins to try to find someone to take out his anger on. He begins by asking another ladybug but decides that that ladybug isn't big enough. He keeps asking creatures until he finally decides that not even a whale is big enough for him to fight. Will the ladybug ever find someone to fight or will he become happy?
      This book could be used in a variety of different ways in a classroom. This cite has so many different good ideas and downloads that I just had to share it! I would personally either use this book in an art lesson, or a lesson on ladybugs. For the art lesson, I would have the kids construct illustrations like the ones in the book out of tissue paper and a glue/water mixture. I would also use this book if I was going over different bugs in a lesson and wanted to focus on ladybugs. 

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