Monday, April 2, 2012

Picture Book #18 - Feathers for Lunch

Author: Lois Ehlert
Illustrator: same
Genre: fiction
Sub genre: Picture Book
Theme: Cats, birds, lunch
Primary and secondary characters: Cat
Awards: NA
Publication Date: 1990
Publishing Company:  Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers

     A adventuresome cat is tired of her boring canned food everyday for lunch. One day she gets out and tries to have a fresh bird for lunch, fortunately all the catches is feathers. This book is great for the younger age, around preschool. Kids will love the colorful, silly illustrations of the cat trying to catch the birds. One thing that is unique about this book is that every bird is a different breed and the name of the bird is listed beside it. Therefor this book would make an excellent teaching tool to teach children about the different types of birds. The class could have a big bird party and at the end go on a bird watch to try to spot as many different types of birds as they can. 

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