Illustrator: Beppe Giacabbe
Genre: fiction
Sub genre: Poetry
Theme: various
Primary and secondary characters: various
Publication Date: 2000
Publishing Company: Candlewick Press
If a teacher has a group of student who do not like poetry, then they will after a class activity with this book! This poetry book by Paul Fleiscchman is unique in that instead of one person reading the poem, it is a group of four people. There are three different poems for the students to choose from in the book. Each child (or group) is assigned one of the colors (green, yellow, orange, or purple) that they have to read from. This may seem simple, but it will take the students plenty of practice in order to be able to say it without either laughing or messing up. A teacher could use this book as a good team building activity during the first week of school because it causes the students to really work together. At the end of the week each group could say their specific poem from the book in front of the rest of the class.
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