Thursday, March 15, 2012

Chapter Book #5 - The Invention of Hugo Cabret

Author: Brian Selznick
Illustrator: same
Genre: Fiction
Sub genre:  Chapter Book
Theme: Mystery
Primary and secondary characters: Hugo, Isabella and her godfather
Awards: Caldecott Medal
Publication Date: 2007
Publishing Company:  Scholastic Press

     This book is one of a kind! It is hard for me to even describe it in a blog post! This book is unique in that it is listed as a chapter book because it has obvious chapters, yet it is filled with intriguing illustrations that help to tell the story. Hugo is a young orphan who lives his life in secrecy. He secretly takes care of a clock and is stealing parts to try to repair a project his father was working on before he died to see if it contains a message from his father. When he meets Isabella and her godfather his life is turned around. Read the book to figure out if he ever completes his father's project and if he still tries to hide from everything. 
     Like many of the other books, this book could be used in a variety of different ways in the classroom. How I would probably use it would be in an English class. I would have the students construct their own novel that was modeled after this one. I would also have them write an essay deconstructing Hugo and the other characters in this book. 

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