Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Picture Book #10 - WOLF!

Author: Becky Bloom
Illustrator: Pascal Biet
Genre: Fiction
Sub genre: Fantasy
Theme: Learning to read
Primary and secondary characters: Wolf, pig, cow, and duck
Publication Date: 1999
Publishing Company: Orchard Books

Becky Bloom tells a story of a wolf like no other story students will have ever heard. This wolf might even encourage students to pick up a book and learn to read themselves, or learn to read better! Before the story even begins a beautiful double spread illustration is on the first page showing a grumpy, hungry wolf. A teacher could asked students what they think the wolf is going to do during the story. Once the story begins there are so many beautiful illustrations that add so much humor to the book, even the teacher will be laughing at some of the silly happenings.
The students will follow Wolf on his journey to learn to not only read but become a great story teller. He begins by trying to eat a few farm animals that are reading books, but when they do not pay him any attention because they are too involved with their stories, he decides to see what all the hype is about. He goes to school, that's right, a wolf in school. Pretty scary if you ask me! When he shows the farm animals his new skills they aren't impressed at all. So he keeps working and working and working and working. Will Wolf ever be a good story teller and reader?
This book will show students that if they keep working they can achieve great things! If a teacher has a student who struggles with reading then this would be a good book to assign to them. They can compare and contrast them self to Wolf.

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