Thursday, March 15, 2012

Chapter Book #8 - Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Author: Jeff Kinney
Genre: Fiction
Sub genre: Realistic
Theme: Diaries, bullying, friendship
Primary and secondary characters: Greg Heffley
Publication Date: 2007
Publishing Company:  Amulet Books.
     For the past several years I never knew what all the hype over this book was about, however now I can see how easy any middle school student can relate to this book. Greg Heffley writes events that happen to him during middle school in his diary. He also draws illustrations of the events that are sure to keep any student's attention. Rowley, his best friend begins to become popular and Greg thinks he will be able to tag along. This book will show students a unique and hilarious friendship that will be sure to have them laughing and wanting to read more. 
     This book would be perfect for an English class. The students could begin by making their own diaries our of paper and other items. During the week and for several weeks after the book is read, the students could write in their diaries everything funny, interesting, or troubling that goes on in their lives. Because the main character is a boy who keeps a diary, it would be the perfect time to get boys to see that keeping a diary or journal can really be a good thing! The teacher could even show them examples of well known diaries from real people such as Anne Frank. 

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