Monday, April 2, 2012

Picture Book #21 - Is it Dark? Is it Light

Author: Mary D. Lankford
Illustrator: Stacey Schuett
Genre: non-fiction
Sub genre: Picture
Theme: opposites, the moon
Primary and secondary characters: boy and girl
Awards: NA
Publication Date: 1991
Publishing Company: Scholastic, INC.

     This is a cute, simple book for young readers. The children in the book go through a several opposite characteristics trying to guess what something is. The illustrations are very colorful and many of them are double spreads. They ask if it is cold, dark, loud, ect. This book would  be good to read on a lesson opposites. The students could make a quiz with opposites and have their classmates guess what it is they are describing. Since it is such an easy read, the book would be great for the very young grades. 

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