Monday, April 2, 2012

Picture Book #25 - Flat Stanley

Author: Jeff Brown
Illustrator: Scott Nash
Genre: fiction
Sub genre: Picture
Theme: Travel, saving the day, being normal
Primary and secondary characters: Stanley
Publication Date: 2006
Publishing Company: Harper Collins

     One morning Stanley wakes up and he is not quite the same. During the night a board fell on him and made him as flat as a pancake! Now he can do things that nobody else can like slide under doors, travel through the mail, and being a kite. One day he is even able to help catch thieves that were stealing famous art from a museum and he becomes a hero. The day comes when Stanley is no longer happy being flat, his brother thinks he has found a solution but will it work? 
     The most obvious teaching tip that could be done in a classroom is for the students to make their own flat Stanleys and mail them across the world. This is what most classrooms do (I actually have never read this book before or made one myself though!) but the teacher could put a new twist on it. The teacher could use this as a beginning to a pin pal writing assignment. The teacher could also talk about kites and have all the students make their own kites with Stanley sitting on top. The teacher could discuss how a kite and the wind works. 

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