Monday, April 2, 2012

Picture Book #23 - When Sophie Get Angry -- Really, Really Angry...

Author: Molly Bang
Illustrator: Beppe Giacabbe
Genre: fiction
Sub genre: Picture
Theme: Anger
Primary and secondary characters: Sophie
Awards: Caldecott
Publication Date: 1999
Publishing Company: The Blue Sky Press

      Sophie is a happy little girl until someone makes her mad! When her sister takes a toy away from her, Sophie can hardly contain her anger. Sophie gets so angry that she feels she could just explode or crush something. She gets so mad that she runs away until she reaches a large beech tree that she climbs to the top. She sits there enjoying nature until she is no longer angry. She returns home to a family who is happy to see her and everything is fine and happy again. 
     This book is very well written and the bright illustrations really set the mood of the angry little girl. The only negative thing about this book is that it may teach children that it is alright for them to run away when they get angry. This book also does not teach dealing with anger very well. If this book is used in the classroom, it should probably be used to teach the kids the proper way to deal with anger. The teacher could go over ways to deal with anger and compare it with Sophie's way. 

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